AAI Committee on Public Affairs: Town Hall Meeting on NIH Efforts to Fund the Next Generation: Progress, Challenges and Future Directions
Beth A. Garvy, Professor, Univ. of Kentucky; AAI Committee on Public Affairs Chair
- Lawrence A. Tabak, Principal Deputy Director, NIH, The NIH NGRI: why it is needed and how it works
- Gary A. Koretzky, Vice Dean, Weill Cornell Med., The potential impact of the NGRI on training, hiring, promotion, tenure, and beyond
- Judy L. Cannon, Associate Professor, of Univ. of New Mexico Sch. of Med., Perspectives of an Early Career Investigator: Will the NGRI alleviate the struggle to establish a research career?
The current funding environment has raised serious concerns about the long-term viability of the biomedical research enterprise, as securing NIH grants has become increasingly difficult for scientists early in their careers. To address this issue, NIH launched the Next Generation Researchers Initiative (NGRI) in June 2017 to increase support for meritorious Early Stage Investigators (ESIs) and Early Established Investigators (EEIs). Despite the Initiative’s laudable goals, many questions remain, including how NIH Institutes and Centers will reprioritize funds to support these early and mid-career investigators, and how it will impact those who are not targeted by the program. Speakers will discuss NIH implementation of the Initiative; provide a variety of perspectives on its progress, challenges, and future directions; answer audience questions; and listen to attendees’ feedback.