Chinese Society of Immunology, Taiwan (CSIT) Symposium: Inflammation and Immunity

06 May 2018
10:15 AM – 12:15 PM

Chinese Society of Immunology, Taiwan (CSIT) Symposium: Inflammation and Immunity

Jenny Ting, Univ. of North Carolina
Kuo-I Lin, Genomics Res. Ctr., Academia Sinica


  • Kuo-I Lin, Genomics Res. Ctr, Academia Sinica, O-GlcNAcylation in B cell immunity
  • Szu-Ting Chen, Inst. of Clin. Med., Sch. of Med., Natl. Yang-Ming Univ., CLEC5A is a critical receptor in innate immunity against Listeria infection
  • Mu-Hwa Yang, Inst. of Clin. Med., Sch.of Med., Natl. Yang-Ming Univ., Communications between macrophages and cancer cells during tumor progression
  • Ming-Zong Lai, Inst. of Molec. Biol., Academia Sinica, Resolution of inflammation in primary immunodeficiency: an example or an exception?
  • Chien-Kuo Lee, Grad. Inst. of Immunology, Natl. Taiwan Univ. Col. of Med., Essential role of STAT1 in B cell differentiation