Strategies for Successful Postdoctoral Training

06 May 2018
9:00 AM – 10:00 AM

Strategies for Successful Postdoctoral Training

Courtney R. Pinard, Education and Awards Dept., AAI


  • Deirdre Brekken, Assistant Dean for Postdoctoral Affairs, Univ. of Texas Southwestern Med. Ctr.

Postdoctoral training is the time to develop the research skills you will need to succeed as an independent scientist. It is, however, just as important to realize that you need to develop your professional skills to prepare you for your career path at the same time. This session will highlight ways of getting the most out of your postdoctoral training, relating successfully with your mentor, and understanding how to use the resources available to you to ensure that your training prepares you for the transition into the next phase of your career.